Thursday, 9 May 2013

Those that belittle

People who indulge in the art of belittling others are one of the lowest kinds of people and are clearly unhappy with themselves and their own life.  While belittling may serve the purpose of lowering the other person's confidence or self esteem, whilst for a short while boosting the confidence of the one doing the belittling - this is a really sad way to live your life and makes you a very ugly person.

I try my very best to not let these types of people bother or upset me, but it is very hard sometimes, the sensitive soul that I am.  But I am trying my very best and getting better with dealing with these kinds.  There are far more important people and things in life to worry about than these cowards.

Half the time, the person doing the belittling, is in actual fact only belittling themselves at the end of the day.  Belittling others makes you neither tough nor impressive.  It just makes you stupid and rude.

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