Thursday, 9 May 2013

Those that belittle

People who indulge in the art of belittling others are one of the lowest kinds of people and are clearly unhappy with themselves and their own life.  While belittling may serve the purpose of lowering the other person's confidence or self esteem, whilst for a short while boosting the confidence of the one doing the belittling - this is a really sad way to live your life and makes you a very ugly person.

I try my very best to not let these types of people bother or upset me, but it is very hard sometimes, the sensitive soul that I am.  But I am trying my very best and getting better with dealing with these kinds.  There are far more important people and things in life to worry about than these cowards.

Half the time, the person doing the belittling, is in actual fact only belittling themselves at the end of the day.  Belittling others makes you neither tough nor impressive.  It just makes you stupid and rude.

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Self doubt of an Artist

As a photographer, writer, story teller and a love of documenting things - I consider myself an artist.  Many different people may have differing views of what qualifies one person as an artist.  Maybe I am, maybe I'm not.  Perhaps my own creative work doesn't even deserve to be mentioned in terms of art.  My belief is that we are ALL artists in our own little way - well, at least we all start out that way.

Many "artists" have self doubt - a fear of not being good enough creatively, fear of people not loving or appreciating your work.  Having the constant need for inspiration, through feedback, love and a little TLC, in the form of someone putting their arm around and you saying "this is great, keep up the good work..."

In terms of Social Media, you will never 100% understand just quite how much a simple like, share or retweet means to me when it comes to my work.  All these little things and receiving positive feedback is like receiving a special daily gift, that absolutely means the world to me.  So, please do not hesitate when it comes to giving feedback or "liking" something of mine - I like that you like it.  Actually, I love it.

These periods of self doubt or loathing come and go, I don't like it, but I do understand that many "artists" go through it and it somehow inspires the artist to push on and continue to create more great things.

"I don't think there's any artist of any value who doesn't doubt what they're doing."
~ Francis Ford Coppola

"Basically, you make another movie, and another, and hopefully you feel good about every picture you make. And you say, "My name is on that. I did that. It's OK". But don't get me wrong, I still get excited by it all. That, I hope, will never disappear." ~ Martin Scorsese

Anyways, this has been playing on my mind the past few days and I just wanted to note a few words down, get it off my chest, so to speak.

It is a long road for an artist, but it never ends.  It can be a rather lonely one, but it is an exciting one.  A constant journey, discovering new ways, new routes to finding something rather special and expressing yourself - your pain, your passion, finding yourself and losing yourself at the same time.

"The greater the artist, the greater the doubt.  Perfect confidence is granted to the less talented as a consolation prize..."