Saturday, 10 August 2013

Trollhunter - destined to become a cult classic

I watched the Norwegian "mockumentary" horror/adventure TrollHunter the other evening for the first time.  There were some crazy, hilarious moments (I felt that they were deliberate and tongue in cheek, but maybe not...) - some of the monster/troll names were "interesting" TOSSERLAD and RIMETOSSER being a couple of them and there's also a scene in the film where the gang/crew are stuck in a cave hiding, while a small army of mountain trolls are just a matter of yards away, minding their own business (and farting loudly), that was pretty funny.  Oh, and by the way, not to sound too judgmental, but those mountain trolls are ugly! 

Remember when Arnold Schwarzenegger said; "you're one ugly motherfucker..." about the alien in "Predator" (1987) ???  Well, these guys were well and truly beaten with the ugly stick.

A typical looking Troll seen in childrens' books - very similar to the mountain trolls in Trollhunter

Also, the moment that Hans the trollhunter revealed one of his troll proof iron/steel superhero outfits, my stomach was actually aching and had us all in stitches!!  Some people are put off watching a foreign language film, but there are English subtitles and once you get settled into the adventure, you forget all about it.  In actual fact, hearing the Norwegian dialogue, only adds to the fun of the film, particularly in the more tense moments and action sequences.  Oh, and who knew that trolls hated Chrisitans???  Watch it and find out more.

Theatrical poster.
All in all though, I thought it was a very clever and well made monster movie, which is surely destined to become a cult classic.  Written and directed by André Øvredal, Trollhunter was filmed in the mockumentary style with "found footage", which brings obvious comparisons to "The Blair Witch Project" and was filmed on location amidst some stunning Western Norway landscape and scenery (it actually reminded me of parts of Scotland a little), the acting was pretty solid too, with well known Norwegian comedian Otto Jespersen a stand out as Hans the trollhunter.

Hans, the trollhunter - (played by Otto Jespersen)
Apparently, several American movie production companies have been fighting to acquire the rights to a (no doubt over the top, over produced) remake, so I suggest you check this one out first, before Hollywood claims it as their own and everyone else jumps on the bandwagon.  Then you can be proud to say; "it wasn't as good as the original..."
